
Hi, it’s Vince Stevenson the Fear Doctor here again…

For those people who know something about public speaking, they will have been told ‘ad nauseum’ about the US Educational Psychologist, Albert Mehrabian whose research work into spoken communication was first published in the early 1970s. The story usually works like this: 7% is attributed to words, 38% to vocal variety and 55% to body language. 

There’s been a lot of argument about how his work has been interpreted and misinterpreted, but very kindly a friend in the speaking fraternity Philip Yaffe wrote an article for the College of Public Speaking a few years ago. Philip is a former Wall Street Journalist who really knows his material in depth. His article can be read on the link below:


I’m sure you’ll find it as interesting and thought-provoking as I did when I first read it a few years ago.

Regards Vince Stevenson – The Fear Doctor
